Full Version: info to use wi modem
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If you don't get anything on the display then I would have to repair/replace the WiModem.
(08-22-2018, 05:51 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]If you don't get anything on the display then I would have to repair/replace the WiModem.

ok  it is possiblle to send to yo?? for see the problem or repair ??or it well that i bought one new ??
I offer a lifetime warranty on all of the electronics that I sell, so a repair or replacement doesn't cost anything, but you are responsible for the shipping to/from me.

Just return the item to the address shown on the CONTACT page of my website.
ok will send you and after you tell me ok thanks bye
(08-23-2018, 05:43 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Ok!

ok i send you with priority post  ok please tell me when receive  ok my mail is organza2000@libero.it thanks bye
Ok, thanks for the info.
(08-26-2018, 10:24 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, thanks for the info.

hi i have two question  :

1 ) The wimodem crashed is arrived ?? i dont think too herly ........

2) i have bought  an amiga 1200 , i want know if is possible  connect a wimodem 232  for connect to commodore server or bbs if possible   ..please help me bye  
please help me
I just received a WiModem from someone in Italy with no note or other info! Is that you?

Yes, you can use the WiModem232 with the Amiga A1200. I developed it using the A1200.
(09-07-2018, 04:38 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]I just received a WiModem from someone in Italy with no note or other info!  Is that you?

Yes, you can use the WiModem232 with the Amiga A1200.  I developed it using the A1200.

yes is my  if you see is a priority mail from italy   from lorenzo chiodi ?? Strevi (al)   confim it  please  
  now  you can send me  other wimodem working ????

and  a new  wimodem232 for amiga 1200 ????
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