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What version firmware is your WiModem?
(08-18-2018, 12:16 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]What version firmware is your WiModem? ....

v. 2.93 not last i have not update  in this day
Check to see if your network type is set to STATIC by using the ATI4 command.  If it is, change it to DHCP, using:  AT*NET=DHCP.  Then update to the latest firmware version (v2.94).
(08-19-2018, 12:40 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Check to see if your network type is set to STATIC by using the ATI4 command.  If it is, change it to DHCP, using:  AT*NET=DHCP.  Then update to the latest firmware version (v2.94).

Hello the commands do not work when I write ati4 it writes me error besides also the other command does not go wrong something ??? I have written in different ways but nothing hello let me know
Ok, then you have older firmware.

MAKE SURE that you are in ANSCII or ASCII mode when entering commands into the the WiModem. If you are a CBM graphics mode it will not accept commands for setting the router name or password.
(08-20-2018, 06:23 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, then you have older firmware.  

MAKE SURE that you are in ANSCII or ASCII mode when entering commands into the the WiModem.  If you are a CBM graphics mode it will not accept commands for setting the router name or password.

but before changing the modem at home everything was working ??? why ever anything has changed .... moreover what are the commands to change mode ANSCII or ASCII ??? let me know thanks
I really don't understand the problem you are having I guess. Did you change routers or something? What terminal program are you using? The terminal must be set to standard ANSCII or ASCII mode, not CBM mode in order to enter commands to the modem that are associated with the connection.
(08-21-2018, 01:38 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]I really don't understand the problem you are having I guess.  Did you change routers or something?  What terminal program are you using?  The terminal must be set to standard ANSCII or ASCII mode, not CBM mode in order to enter commands to the modem that are associated with the connection.

no ok  i use ccgms v6 2017   and now  i have  push F8 to chande to ascii andnow wimodem is connected perfet  thanks and sorry for yor time !thanks a lot
No problem! I am glad you got it working!
(08-21-2018, 03:09 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]No problem!  I am glad you got it working!
Hello then I now have another problem: I have another wimodem and son to the basic version v1.97 if I'm not mistaken now I managed to connect it to my phone and set the led to 1 after I went to sleep the next day I turned on and the modem wi only died a flashing blue LED which means ??? but no video
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