Full Version: info to use wi modem
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Well, technically there is a bandwidth limitation. However, using the UP9600 hack with the baud rate turned up, it's theoretically possible to support up to 250Kbps. The cartridge port can access a UART/whatever hardware at full bus speed.
hi all in this moment i have downloaded ultimate version of contiky when i launch it she tell me :

1  rr net 
2  tfe 
3  eth64 

in this menu there is not a voice for wimodem o yes??
(03-22-2017, 02:36 PM)scanword Wrote: [ -> ]hi all in this moment i have downloaded ultimate version of contiky when i launch it she tell me :

1  rr net 
2  tfe 
3  eth64 

in this menu there is not a voice for wimodem o yes??

Contiki is for use only with Ethernet devices.  the WiModem emulates a modem only not Ethernet.   I believe Jim is looking into something like this however.
Apparently, it should be possible to modify the Contiki code to support a direct web (telnet) connection. The only options in Contiki now are for various Ethernet hardware, which are poked at by Contiki.
Hello I still wanted to know the same problem is if I want to use IRC chat type there are no applications to connect the wimodem to an IRC ????
Unless there is a C64 program that can do this via telnet, then there is no solution (other than to create such a program).
(11-01-2016, 08:37 AM)scanword Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-01-2016, 08:12 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]You have not setup your router!  You need to either use the WPS button on your router (and ATWPS), or set the router's name/password using the AT*SSID command.

Until you have done one of these two things, the router will not ever be found.
 ok now i see the router (i write at*ns1 , password and go on to the connection router) and the led is green with write ready  , now for connettion to commodore server i write ATDT COMMODORESERVER.COM:1541 and she write that is connected  but now  the cursor is freexed bloked and i dont write other command is normal???

and for use comet chat what do you do ??? now
please help me i have much program for cometchat but dont work  ok bye

hi i have a new problem with connection with my new modem  : i have chanced modem because broken but my ew moden have not wps  and i have do the manual set up ok : i have write at*n  and she write my cionnection line  and after i have write at*ns0, password of modem and return but nothing nothing connection .......there is an error in procedure or other in the last modem in this mode work ...please tell me ok bye  
Once you have connected to Commodore Server you have to use it's commands. Like $ <RETURN> to see your current directory. You need to read the documentation for the Comet Chat, V-1541, etc.
(08-17-2018, 10:29 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Once you have connected to Commodore Server you have to use it's commands.  Like $ <RETURN> to see your current directory.  You need to read the documentation for the Comet Chat, V-1541, etc.

hi i have a new problem with connection with my new modem  : i have chanced modem because broken but my ew moden have not wps  and i have do the manual set up ok : i have write at*n  and she write my cionnection line  and after i have write at*ns0, password of modem and return but nothing nothing connection .......there is an error in procedure or other in the last modem in this mode work ...please tell me ok bye
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