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(11-01-2016, 08:12 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]You have not setup your router!  You need to either use the WPS button on your router (and ATWPS), or set the router's name/password using the AT*SSID command.

Until you have done one of these two things, the router will not ever be found.
 ok now i see the router (i write at*ns1 , password and go on to the connection router) and the led is green with write ready  , now for connettion to commodore server i write ATDT COMMODORESERVER.COM:1541 and she write that is connected  but now  the cursor is freexed bloked and i dont write other command is normal???

and for use comet chat what do you do ??? now
please help me i have much program for cometchat but dont work  ok bye
You can't connect to Commodore Server and do anything useful using a terminal program. If you type $ and RETURN after connecting, you will see a list of disks. In order to use the features of Commodore Server you need to use the V1541 disk.
i must work in command mode???? after connecting because the command , the keyboard , dont work in connection ..
ok now i have write $ and see the menu of commodore server but for use it???? and i dont find v1541 ....but i dont understand sorry
You need to read the information on how to use V1541 on CommodoreServer.com.
(10-09-2016, 04:58 PM)Flack Wrote: [ -> ]Good news, it's fairly simply to send and receive email using telnet:


Bad news, it's fairly tough to do that with Google/Gmail. I think Gmail requires SSL now, and a lot more handshakes and processes than a simple SMTP/POP connection.

hi, ok i have used the program v 1541 with comet 64 and with the load"cometchat"  but i dont understand how to use with wimodem ok  :

i connect wi modem (she write ready )

than i connect to the commodore server  ( she write connected )

but after i write  $  and appair all menu of commodore server  i dont know   what to do for use this menu ...i cant write load (comet chat or other program )or other please help me  or send me a  mail of person that  can help me  thanks very much bye

(10-09-2016, 04:58 PM)Flack Wrote: [ -> ]Good news, it's fairly simply to send and receive email using telnet:


Bad news, it's fairly tough to do that with Google/Gmail. I think Gmail requires SSL now, and a lot more handshakes and processes than a simple SMTP/POP connection.

hi, ok i have used the program v 1541 with comet 64 and with the load"cometchat"  but i dont understand how to use with wimodem ok  :

i connect wi modem (she write ready )

than i connect to the commodore server  ( she write connected )

but after i write  $  and appair all menu of commodore server  i dont know   what to do for use this menu ...i cant write load (comet chat or other program )or other please help me  or send me a  mail of person that  can help me  thanks very much bye

ok  now i have question : the wimodem is compatibile with contiky or it is possible to use with it ??
Apparently not. I am not sure what the difference is between telnet and RRnet. I can access any web page, ftp, etc. so I am going to look into this.
(03-15-2017, 05:31 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Apparently not.  I am not sure what the difference is between telnet and RRnet.  I can access any web page, ftp, etc. so I am going to look into this.

That would be sweet.  RR-Net I believe just refers to the network cards built for the C64.  Software designed for it must be looking specifically at the cartridge port and/or specific registers.  That's what I gather from http://wiki.icomp.de/wiki/RR-Net.  Would imagine re-writing some of Contiki code would be required.  I'm curious however, what are the differences between the User port and the cartridge port?  Is there a bandwidth limitation?  Is it just different memory space?
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