Image file loads as different setting
I am copying some of the older stuff and submitting it to the WinWorld library.  They have been patient as I learn the ropes: my thanks and my condolences!

I ran across the following issue today and made a note to ask:  Re-imaging a particular software title (Lucid 3D from DacEasy) and using a Panasonic 360k drive, I set the copy parameters to IBM360, index sync, wipe tracks.  I created an image file, zipped it and sent it off to WW.  

Then I loaded the image file again and was going to write it back to disk as proof of copy.  I noticed as I loaded the file that the IBM360 setting changed automatically to TI/99.  When I reset the TI/99 setting to IBM360, the image disappeared and I had to reload it.  When I reloaded it, it again came up as TI/99.  

Somehow this seems counter-intuitive.  Does the .scp file contain a "signature" indicating its type, or is the image analyzed on-the-fly as it is loaded?

That is a bug, but it won't matter for creating a disk. The ID is only used for the display. The information about the tracks used and such is contained in the raw data itself.

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