I recently got a WiModem and I'm having several head-scratching moments I'm trying to resolve.
Overall, running at 2400 baud, the modem works excellent with my BBS operation. One problem I noted though is that file transfers wouldn't work right when running Punter or X modem protocol. This was previously reported (https://www.cbmstuff.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=485) by another user. I tested my configuration alternately with CCGMS with same results.
I did find out however - at least with CCGMS - that if I set modem type to U9600 and push the baud rate to 9600, CCGMS will properly send software with another computer. So I then jumped over to my BBS and set the baud rate to 9600 - modem was showing same. Now all the BBS sees is garbage characters and can't communicate with the modem, apparently incompatible with talking to the modem in at this baud rate.
Summary: Normal text communication error-free at 2400 baud. Modem communication flawless as well. File transfers will not operate (hangs on the BBS side).
BBS modem init string is: ate1x1s0=0s10=30v1
Goal: desire to run at 2400 baud rate (for this is a commodore 64!) and effectively do transfers.
I've tried the following settings:
AT&k1 / k2/ k3 / k0
Running latest firmware as of today.
Translation mode is set for NONE.
Caller modems for inbound calls had translation modes set to NONE.
User wifi modems used to call BBS: Both Retro-rewind Wifi and CBMStuff.Com WiModems were used.
No animals were harmed in the testing of this.
Overall, running at 2400 baud, the modem works excellent with my BBS operation. One problem I noted though is that file transfers wouldn't work right when running Punter or X modem protocol. This was previously reported (https://www.cbmstuff.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=485) by another user. I tested my configuration alternately with CCGMS with same results.
I did find out however - at least with CCGMS - that if I set modem type to U9600 and push the baud rate to 9600, CCGMS will properly send software with another computer. So I then jumped over to my BBS and set the baud rate to 9600 - modem was showing same. Now all the BBS sees is garbage characters and can't communicate with the modem, apparently incompatible with talking to the modem in at this baud rate.
Summary: Normal text communication error-free at 2400 baud. Modem communication flawless as well. File transfers will not operate (hangs on the BBS side).
BBS modem init string is: ate1x1s0=0s10=30v1
Goal: desire to run at 2400 baud rate (for this is a commodore 64!) and effectively do transfers.
I've tried the following settings:
AT&k1 / k2/ k3 / k0
Running latest firmware as of today.
Translation mode is set for NONE.
Caller modems for inbound calls had translation modes set to NONE.
User wifi modems used to call BBS: Both Retro-rewind Wifi and CBMStuff.Com WiModems were used.
No animals were harmed in the testing of this.