11-17-2023, 02:20 PM
Here is information on the hardware differences between the WiModem232 Pro and original WiModem232:
Description WiModem232 Pro WiModem
RAM 500K 80K
Code Space 4MB 1MB
CPU speed 160MHz 80MHz
WiFi speed 150Mbps 65MBps
Display TFT or OLED OLED or none
Power Micro USB Mini USB
Status LEDs 7 red + 1 RGB 1 RGB only
Case available Yes No
The WiModem232 Pro also features the ability to have the 7 status LEDs connected via wires to external LEDs. There is also the possibility of having audio output (amplifier required) for playing MP3 sounds.
The TFT screen is a full color 160x80 display. The OLED is 128x64 with 8 pixels (out of the 64 height) being yellow, with the remainder in blue.
The WiModem232 Pro TFT version comes with a custom 3D resin printed case. The WiModem232 Pro OLED version does not have a case, but there is a 3D printer (STL) file that is provided so that you can print your own. The TFT display is very bright, colorful, and easy to read. Some people like the more retro look of the OLED screen.
The firmware for the WiModem232 Pro is based on the original, but expands on the number of options and number of available entries of those options. For examples, the phone book now has 50 entries, the banned list has 50 entries, and the log list has 50 entries.
Description WiModem232 Pro WiModem
RAM 500K 80K
Code Space 4MB 1MB
CPU speed 160MHz 80MHz
WiFi speed 150Mbps 65MBps
Display TFT or OLED OLED or none
Power Micro USB Mini USB
Status LEDs 7 red + 1 RGB 1 RGB only
Case available Yes No
The WiModem232 Pro also features the ability to have the 7 status LEDs connected via wires to external LEDs. There is also the possibility of having audio output (amplifier required) for playing MP3 sounds.
The TFT screen is a full color 160x80 display. The OLED is 128x64 with 8 pixels (out of the 64 height) being yellow, with the remainder in blue.
The WiModem232 Pro TFT version comes with a custom 3D resin printed case. The WiModem232 Pro OLED version does not have a case, but there is a 3D printer (STL) file that is provided so that you can print your own. The TFT display is very bright, colorful, and easy to read. Some people like the more retro look of the OLED screen.
The firmware for the WiModem232 Pro is based on the original, but expands on the number of options and number of available entries of those options. For examples, the phone book now has 50 entries, the banned list has 50 entries, and the log list has 50 entries.