WiModem and the Plus/4
I have been attempting to connect to BBSs using my Plus/4. The OLED shows connected but there is no response on the terminal software (I am using Term-80 and Higgyterm). It just seems to time out. Occasionally, I will receive a busy message. The WiModem as currently configured works fine on my C64 and C128 using CCGMS, Dialogue128 and DesTerm. I know the Plus/4 has a real UART in it- should I be configuring it differently than how it is currently set for my C64? I have attempted toggling settings for DCD, CTS, etc., all to no avail. Any suggestions would be welcome as I originally bought the WiModem to use with my plus/4 after watching RetroCombs connect to a BBS with a Plus/4 on his YouTube channel using a WiFi Modem made by CommodoreForever (So I know it can be done).

Thanks, glen

Messages In This Thread
WiModem and the Plus/4 - by Glen Rapoza - 10-01-2023, 06:17 PM
RE: WiModem and the Plus/4 - by admin - 10-02-2023, 11:09 AM
RE: WiModem and the Plus/4 - by Glen Rapoza - 10-02-2023, 12:54 PM
RE: WiModem and the Plus/4 - by INSTAGIBBER - 12-31-2023, 03:33 PM
RE: WiModem and the Plus/4 - by admin - 01-01-2024, 05:44 PM
RE: WiModem and the Plus/4 - by rikingabsolute - 07-31-2024, 08:39 PM
RE: WiModem and the Plus/4 - by Carissaate - 01-07-2025, 07:48 PM

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