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SUCCESS! I hooked up my own netgear router between me and xfinity router and connected to that router. Then bingo, connected to multiple BBSs at multiple baud rated etc.
Thanks for bearing with me. I should have guessed it was a Comcast/Xfinity possibility earlier.
So, what is the cause for this? If there really some sort of firewall?
(04-18-2018, 10:25 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]So, what is the cause for this?  If there really some sort of firewall?

Don't know. The modem/router supplied by Comcast is stock, no modifications by me. i don't usually connect to it as my Netgear router is significantly stronger signal wise.  I'd be curious if someone could replicate the issue with xfinitywifi. 

Since I resolved it, I've been on and off BBSs throughout the day. Very Nice.
Hi. I noticed the beginning of this thread talks about cutting traces on the WiModem232 for IIGS connectivity. Am I correct in assuming this is not relevant to WiModem232OLED V2?
That is correct. Nothing needs to be done if you have the V2 hardware.
I just barely purchased the wifi modem. I have it plugged into the back of my IIe enhanced. I'm doing everything as was mentioned in the instructions. However, after I select the modem in the ProTERM settings, it just goes to the terminal. However, when I type o the keyboard, nothing happens. I can't even get far enough to tell it how to connect to my wifi. Any help would be appreciated.

What are you using for the serial card? Since you say it is plugged directly into the IIe, there is no cable correct?
(11-02-2018, 08:52 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]What are you using for the serial card?  Since you say it is plugged directly into the IIe, there is no cable correct?

It's plugged into a SSC. I have it set just like the photos, too. It "recognizes" the modem. If it's off, it gives me an error. Everything seems fine and just as is described in the instructions--just when I type, nothing shows up on the screen (after you select the modem and interface options). 

I appreciate your help!!
(11-02-2018, 08:52 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]What are you using for the serial card?  Since you say it is plugged directly into the IIe, there is no cable correct?

I swapped out the SSC with a different one (but exact same settings). This one appears to be a little newer. I now get a prompt. Yay!
Hmm..  maybe a bad dip switch, or not quite fully switched?  I have a SSC that has this issue... I have to rock it back and forth a couple of times before it finally stays in one position by itself.
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