(06-01-2017, 08:05 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]So, you have two different serial ports - no need for a pass-through!
Practically I could use a 2 way port splitter and solve that but i wanted to avoid extra dangling participles..

Huh? A standard RS-232 port contains only a single serial port. There is no such thing as having multiple serial ports (port 0, port 1, etc.) contained within a DB-25 connector. This is why a pass-through is never needed. A RS-232 serial port can only have one device connected to it at a time (unlike RS-422 and RS-485).
(06-01-2017, 12:42 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Huh? A standard RS-232 port contains only a single serial port. There is no such thing as having multiple serial ports (port 0, port 1, etc.) contained within a DB-25 connector. This is why a pass-through is never needed. A RS-232 serial port can only have one device connected to it at a time (unlike RS-422 and RS-485).
Well I have one right here that i used on my 1200 tower.Had a audio digitizer on one end and modem on the other..:

Your audio digitizer is plugged into the parallel port, not a serial port. You can't digitize through a serial port. All Amigas have a single serial port, parallel port, video port, and floppy port.
(06-01-2017, 06:11 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Your audio digitizer is plugged into the parallel port, not a serial port. You can't digitize through a serial port. All Amigas have a single serial port, parallel port, video port, and floppy port.
digitizer also has a midi port.