New User: Some Questions on SCP & C64 Disks
1. Every drive has a maximum number of tracks that it can reach. You can use the Maximum Track Test in the Disk/Drive Utilities (selected from the pull-down menu). I have never seen any copy protection use past track 40.

2. The only downside is the size of the image file.

3. INDEX can be used for 99.9999% of commercially produced disks. It's actually difficult to copy regular data disks that you created yourself. For those you need to use SPLICE. I need to finish the .d64 support, which would let you make error-free disk images of non copy-protected disks. You only need 5 revolutions if you are planning to be a preservation person. Otherwise, you need only 2 revs to convert from .scp to .g64.

4. That depends on your purpose.

5. For disks with data on the back side, you will need to use SPLICE and you will also need to use the INDEX SENSOR-->READS-->IGNORE (found in the pull-down menu). This lets you read the back side of a disk by just flipping it over.

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RE: New User: Some Questions on SCP & C64 Disks - by admin - 04-18-2018, 05:54 PM

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