Hitachi FDD-412A 8 inch floppy drive
Dear disk experts

I am trying to connect a Hitachi FDD-412A 8" floppy drive to my Supercard Pro. Unfortunately i do not have any documentation for this drive and its 50-pin IDC ribbon cable connector. It also seems impossible to find any details in the web Sad .
The only thing I understand: it is not a standard Shugart connector (NOT as documented under!

Has anybody successfully connected this kind of floppy drive? Who can deliver further information about IDC pinout, signals, ...?

The drive is connected to an Okuma Campus 5000 CNC System an data should be recovered to allow drive replacement.
As far as I know, the system works with SS and DS disks having SD and DD.
You can find pictures of the drive on

Any help is appreciated - Thanks

Messages In This Thread
Hitachi FDD-412A 8 inch floppy drive - by m.vgunten - 01-18-2020, 03:59 AM

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