[Feature Request] properly dump IBM-PC 360KB floppy on 1.2MB drive
Thanks. At a glance, this appears to work. I was able to dump a 360k disk in a 1.2mb drive, I got the appropriate tracks where I expected them to be, and the disk content appeared complete.

On the separate issue of 360RPM<>300RPM conversion, I'm still not seeing that working. I took the very image I read, switched to a 360k drive, changed the settings to "48tpi", made sure the "override" box was checked, and wrote the image.

The resulting disk had the tracks "squished" to about 80% of length they should be, and mostly unreadable.
Thanks, I will take a look at this. There must be another flag I am not handling correctly.
To dump Low Density Disk (160KB/180KB/200KB/320KB/360KB/400KB) on 1.2MB drives, SCP setting should be:

Drive-Type: 5.25" - 96TPI
Weakbits: Raw (No recommed Fixed)
Density-Reads: Low
Index-Sensor-Reads: Required
Backside-Control: None
Preservation: Checked
Disk-Types: IBM 1.44MB
Copy-Mode: Index (Recommend : Splice)
Track Range : 0-79 (Recommend : 0-83 to dump hidden track)

The dumped image is created with RPM:360 / TRACK 0-79 (or 0-83) though image is from Low Density Disk.

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