Can you connect to the WiModem232 from a Mac?
Hmmm, thanks. You don't 'connect' to an IP address, you send messages (packets) TO an IP address. put another way, you connect WITH something both the host and the destination understand, and one end needs to be running a daemon of some kind to respond to requests with.

So for example, if I FTP to a server running an FTP Daemon, I'll get a connection and we will communicate. If It's not running an FTP daemon/server, then my FTP attempt will fail to connect. Same for Telnet, SSH, any browser, mail, etc...

From what you have described, the WiMODEM is just the messenger, relying on the host and destination to be running client/server applications and the WiMODEM is just passing through messages?

So I would need a server that could send something the Amiga understands (ZMODEM data for example), to be able to use NComm on the Amiga to download a file. If I have this correct, then I would need the lrzsz package on my Mac to send a file using the ZMODEM protocol (in this scenario) to an IP address (the WiMODEM). A Serial Terminal App on the Mac would not work because it will pass the data to a serial port, not an IP address. Same issue on a PC I imagine. The hard constraint will be what the Amiga understands.

The WiMODEM will just pass whatever data it gets to the Terminal program right? Its totally up to the client/server to talk the same protocol and do something?

Then my challenge is to find Mac apps that can send old protocols to an IP address rather than a Serial port. Even 2 WiMODEMS won't fix this challenge.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Can you connect to the WiModem232 from a Mac? - by Craziazkowboi - 10-20-2022, 12:30 AM

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