Downloading problems with WiModem 232 and a UDS-10
Okay thanks.

In the meantime, I'll go through my scripts (there's a ton of them) and
attempt to find anything with the AT&F command in them...

Hmm, I just thought of something...there's a possibility that's embedded
in the Express code. Let me give you an example. After starting Express,
the last thing the WiModem232 has on it's LED screen is this:


The text is pretty small but I think that's what it says. Here's the thing
though - I don't have that command in any of the .MDM files I'm using.
It has to come from Express itself unless there's something else going on?

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RE: Downloading problems with WiModem 232 and a UDS-10 - by DarkLord - 11-25-2022, 08:07 AM

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