Downloading problems with WiModem 232 and a UDS-10
(11-14-2022, 06:07 PM)admin Wrote: The issue with the router is nothing that I can fix.  That is a router communication problem.

I can look at adding a timestamp to the data.  Is 10 entries enough?

I understand about the router. As I mentioned, it's really not a problem. I'm thinking the problem
is with that Netgear extender because the update works fine with the Linksys router itself. I had
my other 2 WiModem232's running through the Linksys routers' network and they both updated
the first time without issue.

Hmm. Well, I dunno. I mean with the ability to ban entire ranges, I would think that 10 would be
enough, but do you think while you're at it, doubling it to 20 would be more practical?

What do you think?   Smile

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RE: Downloading problems with WiModem 232 and a UDS-10 - by DarkLord - 11-14-2022, 06:54 PM

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