Downloading problems with WiModem 232 and a UDS-10
I was just looking at the code and I realize that there is a function I added support for in the v4.00 release, and that was support for ATH1. ATH0 hangs up the modem. ATH1 takes it off hook so it doesn't answer any calls. This is how a normal Hayes compatible modem works. I wonder if I should just make the new option here "ATH2" where it takes it off hook but responds to the incoming caller with the message you can set. Or maybe I should just use ATH1 and if the string is not set then it doesn't answer or send a message, behaving like the normal ATH1 function. I think that makes it more "Hayes like". I remember having ATH1 in the init strings for "go offline" mode of the BBS I ran.

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RE: Downloading problems with WiModem 232 and a UDS-10 - by admin - 11-04-2022, 07:15 PM

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