Creating master directory of imaged disks
Thanks, that looks very interesting. Except you can't actually download it (latest version) from anywhere I could find.

So far I've been able to use DirMaster to produce a CSV of the LoadMaster Complete collection (about 1,200 disk images) and then run my Python script on that to produce an Excel file with each image on its own sheet and a master directory with a link to each image sheet. A MD5 of each file is produced and each directory. The directory hashes are automatically compared for matches and I'm currently working on doing the same for the files hashes.

I think a DB would be the best tool but a spreadsheet is more familiar to most people and easier for them to customize if needed.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Creating master directory of imaged disks - by Jeff_Birt - 01-30-2020, 06:53 AM

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