Simple Flux Archive of all my Disks
If the disks are in fact index' then you can use the INDEX setting.

1.2MB disks are the same as 720K disks. The Disk Type just sets the start/end and step for the copying mode.

ALL C64/128 disks can be copied with the C64 Disk Type.

You will not be able to copy SFD1001 disks because those drives use 100TPI mechanics. PC drives are either 48TPI or 96TPI.

There is really nothing that explains the flux display data. It's a rather complex thing to learn. I created that while developing SuperCard Pro and just the functionality in the software when it was released. If you have particular questions about certain data, let me know.

Messages In This Thread
Simple Flux Archive of all my Disks - by GeoKM - 11-26-2015, 10:13 PM
RE: Simple Flux Archive of all my Disks - by admin - 11-26-2015, 10:45 PM

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