Any way to identify disk type from flux?
(10-04-2015, 08:16 AM)admin Wrote: You can always make an image file of the disk and send it to  I can tell you what format it's in.

I'll take you up on that offer!  I tried the HxC tool, but I'm not sure if I'm using it right-- when looking at known FM images in an Atari-like format (40 track/18 sector/SS) the track viewer didn't seem to show any decoded data, but I notice that there's a distinct lack of Atari 8-bit support in that tool too, so maybe it's just not its forte.

I'll email a compressed image-- the disk is labeled 'DD' and should be Atari software, but none of the DD drives I have recognize it.  IIRC, Atari's XF551 was DD but not the same as the DD units from 3rd parties, so that's a possibility.  Or it could be a a PC disk for all I know. I remember 5.25" drives on our Atari ST's for sure (PC Emulator/file exchange) and since this was pretty late in the game for 8-bit stuff, who knows if they were cross-assembling on something else or just transferring and taking advantage of the higher disk capacities for backup...


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RE: Any way to identify disk type from flux? - by claycowgill - 10-04-2015, 11:53 AM

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