Bug reports
v0.96, flux image to G64 conversion seems to be broken. Always errors with "Unable to create new file", even if user is Administrator.
Nothing has changed with the G64 or file creation any a long time. That's a Wndows system error.
The file does get created, but it's 0 bytes in size. Doesn't matter where the source or the destination file is, that error always comes up and it won't convert.

I can use the disk->flux and disk->g64 options and it writes the image file to the same destination as I told it to for conversion, and that works just fine, but then I have to read each disk twice.

Update: I think it might have something to do with all the .scp files being corrupted in some way. I emailed you two of them that were corrupted at tracks 14 and 20, respectively. All the other ones I have that I looked at in the analyzer would cause it to crash on the very last track that was supposed to be in the image with the same "subscript out of range" error.
Are you doing the conversion with blind mode checked or unchecked?

There is a problem with the image file creation with v0.96 when doing multi-rev dumps (blind turned off).
Blind mode is checked. The .g64 files it created work great, it's just the .scp files of the same c64 disks that are broken for some reason.
More information. Even if the .scp file seems to mostly function in the analyzer (ie. only crashes if you try to view the very last track), it doesn't write back properly. I wound up with a copy that wasn't aligned to the index and had gap in the middle of a sector on each track, so the copy wouldn't load. The options to force index for reads and writes were both checked.

Using the direct disk-copy function with no .scp file in between resulted in a perfectly working copy. Also reading a track from disk into the analyzer, swapping disks, then writing it back out works fine too.

So something's wrong with .scp files created from v0.96, at least for C64 disks, anyway.
It's all images w/v0.96. Drive to drive works fine, and image to drive works, but drive to image has issues. Use v0.94 in the meantime to create images.
I never noticed before that all of the previous exe versions are kept in the install directory. Cool!
Reverting to 0.94 fixed all the problems mentioned: scp->g64 conversion, analyzer crashes when viewing scp images, and writing scp back to disk.
Yes, I rename the current version before an update occurs. This lets people go back and use the latest known working version in case there is problem (like v0.96). I just noticed that I even left the utilities menu available, when that was suppose to be hidden. I was rushing to get a new version out before I left for a trade show.

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