C64 disk image FTP or search of .scp images
I wasn't referring to any existing or near-term technology or product, but something that hasn't been imagined yet.

Put as straightforward as I can: please don't "repair" original disks. There's no reason to:

If something happened to the disk once, it could happen again, so there's a chance that it could just go bad again.

Even if it doesn't go bad again, there's an increased risk by using an original disk, so just use a copy and keep the original safe.

Even if you're the current owner, at some point you won't own them any more, and the next person may want them in precise original state.


Messages In This Thread
RE: C64 disk image FTP or search of .scp images - by RJMcInty - 03-03-2014, 07:23 AM

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