double-stepping 96-TPI drives in 360k mode is not working
My roommate was having trouble copying 360k disks and came to me for help. I took a look

In the current SCP release 2.40, it seems 96-TPI drives are not being double-stepped when dealing with IBM 360k formats during some operations.

This occurs when reading using the analyzer/editor (every other track is showing random flux.) The analyzer shows a track range of 41 so it should know to double-step when the drive type is properly specified as 96 TPI.

This also occurs when writing 360k SCP images back to disk using copier. It writes 96-TPI, covering only half the disk. No workaround for this!

READING a disk to create a 360k image is not affected. These create fine and are readable in HxC and similar.

Of course we're verifying that the setting for drive type is 96-TPI and read/write density is low. Drives tested were a TEAC and a Panasonic JU-475-4.

Messages In This Thread
double-stepping 96-TPI drives in 360k mode is not working - by rmzalbar - 01-03-2022, 12:56 AM

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