Questions on dumping low density Macintosh disks
Really, somebody needs to bug the HxC folks about implementing Mac conversion support. However unless I am mistaken, their emulator hardware won't connect to a Mac, so they probably don't care about Mac.

Mac 400k/800k disks are a real headache. Not only are they CGR encoded, and they don't use the index pulse, but they use variable bit rates!

On a real mac, the drive motor spins at a different speed depending on what track it is on. Of course, the SCP copies whatever bit rate it sees.

The following uses the PCE tools to decode a Mac sector image from an SCP file. It outputs a list of sectors and any errors it has found to a text file.

I'm not sure if the following is 100% correct, I only have a couple of mac disks to test with. If you get about one CRC error on each track, then the disk was probably not written index-aligned, and the disk needs to be read using splice mode.

pfi "Your File Name Here.scp" disk1.pfi

pfi disk1.pfi -c 00-15 -r 380000 -p decode pri diska.pri
pri diska.pri -p auto-align-gcr -p decode gcr diska.psi -f -v

pfi disk1.pfi -c 16-31 -r 350000 -p decode pri diskb.pri
pri diskb.pri -p auto-align-gcr -p decode gcr diskb.psi -f -v

pfi disk1.pfi -c 32-47 -r 315000 -p decode pri diskc.pri
pri diskc.pri -p auto-align-gcr -p decode gcr diskc.psi -f -v

pfi disk1.pfi -c 48-63 -r 285000 -p decode pri diskd.pri
pri diskd.pri -p auto-align-gcr -p decode gcr diskd.psi -f -v

pfi disk1.pfi -c 64-79 -r 255000 -p decode pri diske.pri
pri diske.pri -p auto-align-gcr -p decode gcr diske.psi -f -v

psi diska.psi -m diskb.psi -m diskc.psi -m diskd.psi -m diske.psi disk1.psi
psi disk1.psi disk1.img
psi disk1.psi -L > disk1.txt

erase disk1.pfi
erase disk1.pri
erase diska.pri
erase diskb.pri
erase diskc.pri
erase diskd.pri
erase diske.pri
erase diska.psi
erase diskb.psi
erase diskc.psi
erase diskd.psi
erase diske.psi

Messages In This Thread
RE: Questions on dumping low density Macintosh disks - by SomeGuy - 11-18-2015, 09:57 PM

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