Any way to identify disk type from flux?
Atari disks XOR all of their data for some weird reason.

I'm not familiar with Atari disk hardware, but there are both FM and MFM formats. As I recall, the MFM formats also use 128 byte sectors, which most PC disk controllers (even the ones that support FM) can't handle in MFM mode (Some Adaptec ISA SCSI cards with the National Semiconductor FDC instead of the Intel FDC can read that). And to make things weirder, they don't use or don't have to use the index pulse, which trips up PC FDCs because they won't read any data that occurs during the index.

Anyway, HxC or the PCE Tools should be able to save the decoded data to an ImageDisk IMD file. Although HxC is likely to barf if the disk is "flippy" because it sees the back side as junk, and SCP doesn't want to read a single side only. There is a tool out there called "imd2atr.exe" that can then convert the IMD image to an Atari emulator .atr format.

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RE: Any way to identify disk type from flux? - by SomeGuy - 10-04-2015, 01:14 PM

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