Software Developer's Kit (SDK)
Here is the first version of the SDK for using SCP however you like. If you have questions, please feel free to ask.

The SCP PC software is written in Visual Basic 6, so it doesn't take much to use the SCP hardware.

SuperCard Pro Software Developer's Kit
Updated the SDK to clarify info about the response packet.
Updated the SDK to explain the new serial port options.

Would it be possible for you to post an simple example in VB6? Maybe just select the drive and start the motor.


I will look at making some example.
Using Visual Studio 2017 I tried to add a reference to FTD2XX.DLL It returns a reference the ftd2xx.dll could not be added. Please make sure the file is accessible, and that it is a valid assembly or COM Component. I tried VB6 on an XP but also failed when I tried to register the .DLL.

If this is the wrong approach to using the SDK, please advise. I would like to try the SDK but need a little help getting started. A basic shell of a program, maybe just a "Hello world" type example would be a great help.


FTDI has example code on their website for C, VB6, etc.

There page also has the programmer’s reference. This is the same info that other developers are using.
(05-09-2021, 09:03 PM)admin Wrote: FTDI has example code on their website for C, VB6, etc.

There page also has the programmer’s reference.  This is the same info that other developers are using.

Thank you, I went to their site and downloaded the samples. I was able to communicate with VB2017 and VC2017. There is a NuGet Package FTD2XX.Net that will add the FTD2XX.Net wrapper for the FTD2XX and  FTD2XX.Net.xml that helps explain what parameters and variables need to be passed with each call. I just coded up a console app in both VC and then in VB to test communications with the card.
Yes, it's pretty simple.  You can also just open a COM port associated with the SuperCard Pro's interface (a VCP is generated by the installer) and send the commands through a standard serial port.  However, the data transfer using the FTDI interface is much faster because the SuperCard Pro uses a FTDI chip with a parallel FIFO, and that gives you the maximum bandwidth over the USB port.

If someone wants to put together a simple GUI based Visual Studio project in C++ that would be great.  I can code C++, but I am not sure how to setup Visual Studio so that Windows and dialog boxes can be setup.  I had a really old version of Visual Studio that let me program in C++ and create Windows and tabs, etc. but that is no longer compatible with Windows 10 apparently.

If I had the frame work (including a way to allocate and use several large buffers), I would convert the copiers over to that and then just remove the copiers from the VB code and leave the editor/analyzer and utilities there.  I could then add support for all kinds of different disk formats.  VB6 was used in the beginning as a proof of concept and sort of just stuck all of these years later.
Jim give me a few days and I will put something together. I guess you want to use the .net framework? For Windows development its what Microsoft is pushing. I will create a VS2019 c++ project using Microsoft Common Language Runtime or CLR. I can create the first Form that you currently use and add the event handlers, the header files and the necessary code to access the SCP via the USB port. You can allocate arrays on the stack or the heap. Large Dynamic arrays allocated at runtime use the new keyword to allocate on the heap.

Stack allocation
// Declare an array of doubles to be allocated on the stack
double numbers[size] {0};

Heap allocation
// Declare an array of doubles to be allocated on the heap
double* numbers = new double[size]{ 0 };

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