I am running the current firmware v6.01-03/22/23 on my Wimodem232. I have stored an entry in the phone book at position 3 using AT&Z3=[IP: PORT] and confirmed that it is there using AT&Z?. However, when I issue the command ATDS=3 the Wimodem returns an ERROR. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
Type AT&Z? and see if the list shows that in position 3. I will check on my end as well.
(05-14-2023, 02:19 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Type AT&Z? and see if the list shows that in position 3. I will check on my end as well.
AT&Z? Confirms that it is indeed in the phone book.
I made a bunch of phone entries and had no issues using any slot.
Can you use just ATDT with a URL to make the same connection as the phone book entry?
(05-14-2023, 01:05 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]I made a bunch of phone entries and had no issues using any slot.
Can you use just ATDT with a URL to make the same connection as the phone book entry?
I think I am closing in on the issue. I have been switching between Proterm on the Apple II and Striketerm on the C64. I think that the init string in Striketerm is messing with the settings on the Wimodem232 and causing random issues like this.
If I reboot the Wimodem and then initialize it in Proterm 3.1 using the 2400 baud string shown
here, I don't have this and other weird issues. I'll have to do some investigating on how to change the default init string in Striketerm so it doesn't keep gumming up the works when I use it on the C64.
I would recommend using CCGMS (the latest version with 80 column support) instead of Strikesterm.
(05-14-2023, 02:40 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]I would recommend using CCGMS (the latest version with 80 column support) instead of Strikesterm.
Can you recomend a version that supports both true ANSI and 80 column support. Seems like the FUTURE0.2 version (is that the latest?) doesn't do true ANSI but does support 80 col. Some other versions have 80 col support but not true ANSI.
No, I can't because none of the C64 BBS programs supported ANSI - they supported CBM graphics mode. I guess if you need to call non-CBM BBS's then you are stuck with something like Striketerm, but I prefer Novaterm to that.