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I tried sending all 3 of these scripts using my terminal program, and all 3 worked fine. So, I am not sure what the deal is with your BBS software.

ALL of these have RETURN and LINEFEED following the ATH1, even the one you say doesn't. The one that you say that has RETURN has two sets of RETURN and LINEFEED after ATH1.

You can view the files with a HEX editor and see what I mean.
Gotcha. Like you, I really don't know what is going on with BBS Express! ST.

But...as I said, it is working, even if not as designed or intended so I'm just
going to roll with it.

Thanks Jim. Smile
I am just glad it works on my end using these, otherwise I would have to track down a bug. Smile If it works, don't fix it!

Now that I have actually discovered the problem with local transfers (like random crashes and Zmodem failures), I am going to be rewriting the TCP/IP code (again) to remove all of the hacks I put in place over the years to try to fix these issues. So, if you can think of anything else you might need feature-wise, let me know as I will be "under the hood" again in the coming weeks.
Hmm, will do.

The only thing I can think of, right off the top of my head, is...(and
this is just fluff, really), could you have the WiModem232 log the last
10 IP addresses that accessed it?

I know you've already got a ban list in place, but instead of having to
try and track down what rogue IP address is the one that's a bot from
something like the Windows firewall stuff, you could just list it from the
WiModem232 like the phonebook command, "AT&Z?".

That would be handy, and again, it would be nice but not anything near
urgently necessary.

Oh...I've been telling the other SysOp's that I regularly communicate with
to just post what features they might want added as well (I figure the more
input you get, the better) and the -1- single thing that seems to come up 
the most is requesting that the phonebook entry size be increased from the
standard 10 entries to something like 20.  

I'm perfectly okay with the 10 entry limit but apparently they call a lot more
BBS's than I do.  Smile
OK, thanks for the feedback. I could make the number of phonebook entries anything really. I didn't think anybody would need more than 10.

I can add the last 10 callers and display that using some means.... through a new command, probably ATI5, because the ATI commands all provide information about the system.
(11-12-2022, 01:09 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]OK, thanks for the feedback.  I could make the number of phonebook entries anything really.  I didn't think anybody would need more than 10.

I can add the last 10 callers and display that using some means....  through a new command, probably ATI5, because the ATI commands all provide information about the system.

I wouldn't have thought anyone needed more than 10 either so don't feel bad. Apparently, some of these guys call every single retro BBS out there. What can I say, we're a hardcore crowd.  Smile

"ATI5" displaying the last 10 callers IP address would be great!

Ok, new version is available. ATI5 will log the last 10 IP addresses that called, including anything in the BANNED CONNECTION list. I also made the phone book hold 25 entries. I could make it hold more but the issue is that if you use AT&Z? to see the list, it could scroll the top most entries off the display before you could see them! I could make the logged IP addresses list longer if 10 is not enough.
Wow, fast work! Thanks Jim. Smile
Okay, just wanted to mention something. It's not a problem, just
something that happens.

When I attempt an update on the WiModem232 in use with my BBS,
which is connected to a 2nd network coming from a NetGear EX6110
wifi extender that I'm using, it fails. It even eventually displays some
HTML code. IIRC, it says something about an HTTP(s?) error.

I started using the extender back when I was still having problems.
The Linksys router's network was showing 50-60 db and while that
isn't past the 85 db threshold in the manual, it's on the upper end,
so I added the extender. With the extender, the db range is in the

I can switch it to the Linksys router network and the update works just
fine though, so no problems.

Also, (and I really should have thought of this before, /slaps self hard),
is it possible to also add a date/timestamp to the last 10 IP address
entries? That would be super helpful for matching up with the BBS's

If that can't be done, it's all good. Smile

Thanks Jim.
The issue with the router is nothing that I can fix. That is a router communication problem.

I can look at adding a timestamp to the data. Is 10 entries enough?
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