Full Version: Wimodem and tcpip (slip,ppp?)
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Got the Wimodem going with the 1200..now for the next step...tcpip over serial. suggestions?I would think slip,if so,some instructions would be appreciated.
There are a few people working on this, but nothing that is 100% yet.
(05-28-2018, 07:46 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]There are a few people working on this, but nothing that is 100% yet.

Good to hear..gave it a go myself but came up snakeyes....had success about 24 yrs ago but forgot what I did...documentation!
(05-28-2018, 10:49 AM)desrat Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-28-2018, 07:46 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]There are a few people working on this, but nothing that is 100% yet.

Good to hear..gave it a go myself but came up snakeyes....had success about 24 yrs ago but forgot what I did...documentation!
Update:I installed Termite TCP and had partial success.chose the direct serial connection and i was connected but nothing more..added all the necessary info but aweb just sits there looking at me crosseyed.