Full Version: Apple II Super Serial Card (SSC)
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I found another set that works for the SSC since I couldn't get the linked ones to work either:

Switch block #1
1-off \
2-on \_baud: 2400(over-ridden by Term program)
3-off /
4-on /
5-off \__Mode: SIC P8 EM
6-off /
7-off Protocol:Secondary clear to send (ganged with #7 on block 2)

Switch block #2
1-off Data format: 8 data/2 stop
2-off Delay after carriage return:32 ms
3-off \_Line width:80
4-on /
5-on Generate line feed: on
6-on Interrupts: on
7-on Protocol: Secondary clear to send (ganged with #7 on block 1)
That is not going work. Why it works for you is a mystery. 8N1 is required.
The ProTERM manual states on page 281 that the SSC dip switches should be set so that ALL dip switches are UP except the first and last.  That means: SW1 has dip switch 1 ON with 2 through 7 OFF, and SW2 has dip switches 1-6 ON and dip switch 7 OFF.
(01-28-2018, 09:39 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]That is not going work. Why it works for you is a mystery. 8N1 is required.

It does work. I am using it. Honest. I'm not kidding.

But, seriously, I don't think I've adequately explained that the terminal program overrides those particular dip switches. It mattered in the earlier days and it would matter if you were dealing with a printer but generally latter-day terminal programs don't care what the dip switches are set to for baud/databits/stopbits/parity. The terminal program sets those on-the-fly.

(01-29-2018, 10:15 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]The ProTERM manual states on page 281 that the SSC dip switches should be set so that ALL dip switches are UP except the first and last.  That means: SW1 has dip switch 1 ON with 2 through 7 OFF, and SW2 has dip switches 1-6 ON and dip switch 7 OFF.

I am unable to get any response from the WiModem232 if I set 1-7 ON and 2-7 OFF. I have to set it in the opposite fashion.
I will have to look at the manual to the SSC and see what those dip switches actually do!

It's possible that you have &K1 selected and the polarity for handshaking is inverted.  That would prevent data from being passed.
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