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I've written a little file transfer proggy while we wait for Jim's official file transfer stuff.
It supports ZModem And XModem and runs on windows.

I thought that people who dont have an sd2iec to transfer files might find it useful.
If anyone is interested let me know and I'll create a download page for it.

[Image: Wibridge1.PNG]

[Image: Wibridge2.PNG]

Version 1.1

Added the ability to browse the pc host using standard DOS commands(DIR,CD <DIRECTORY> etc). WARNING! Please be aware that this is a fully blown dos CMD wrapper so it is possible to delete files on the host if you want to do so.

Added the ZGET Command. Type ZGET <FILENAME> to get the file via ZMODEM. Wildcards are supported e.g ZGET *.* will get all files in the current folder.

Note that 80 column mode is strongly recommended while working like this.

Neat.  I won't actually have a file transfer like this.  WiCopy will let you make disk images and store them locally as well as upload them to any server.  The same can be done in reverse as well.

I will probably also have a virtual hard drive that will let you have up to 3MB of a hard drive space.

I don't see the WiBridge program on your website.  Can you post a link to it in your original post?

(03-20-2017, 12:42 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Neat.  I won't actually have a file transfer like this.  WiCopy will let you make disk images and store them locally as well as upload them to any server.  The same can be done in reverse as well.

I will probably also have a virtual hard drive that will let you have up to 3MB of a hard drive space.

I don't see the WiBridge program on your website.  Can you post a link to it in your original post?


Well.. I was just about to, but I always scan my exe's with virustotal and its come back with 3 possible matches.(out of 69 antivirus engines)

I think they are false positives caused by the fact that there is an embeded telnet server but I dont want to run the risk of someone thinking I'm spreading viruses. No time for that noise.

If I can confirm that they are false positives, i'll make it available for download but for now I'd rather be safe than sorry.

This is the problem with windows software.

I might just rewrite it as a python script for the raspberry pi and distribute the script instead in the interests of transparency.
Well, most people don't use Rpi setups, so please release the Windows version. Smile  Almost all of my software I have written for Windows comes up as a virus because I use a file compactor program.
I'd be interested in this.  Does it use the V-1541 driver or does it have its' own?
I am pretty sure that this is just a PC program, and you use whatever terminal program on the C64 side you want and do X/Z modem transfers. You can connect your PC now to your C64 using PuttyTel, this is how I was able to develop the auto-answer support.
(03-21-2017, 07:31 AM)Digital Man Wrote: [ -> ]I'd be interested in this.  Does it use the V-1541 driver or does it have its' own?

Jim is right, you just connect (atdt xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:6464) with your favourite terminal (tested with striketerm and ccgms 2017 v4) and put it in receive mode.

With strinketerm you can put it in auto receive mode to transfer multiple files as ZModem doesn't need you to enter a filename.

It should work with anything that can atdt an ip address.

I will set up a download page for it tonight.
ok, you can download it here
Cool thanks.  How difficult would it be to add some type of file browser?  Where from the Commodore I can browse and select what files to download?  Probably more complicated than it sounds?
Thanks... works perfectly.  I was able to transfer files at 9600 baud.  If we could transfer files the other direction then it would be a great solution for those that don't have something like an SD2IEC or 1541U2.

The C64 side would need a dedicated program for that, and also to handle the Xmodem and Zmodem protocols.
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