Full Version: Simple G64 creation
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Problem is I have a 1541-II drive, but no working C64. I might be able to get hold of my Chameleon 64 again though, which can make my C64 work.

I bought some cleaning alcohol and I am running the disk now.

I cannot find any good way of using SCP images with C64 emulators? I think another person had the same problem. I have downloaded the HxC Floppy Emulator, but it does not seem to help much since none of the formats it can export to are C64 emulator friendly as far as I can tell.
Did not seem to help. I did test some of the disks with my Chameleon 64. But so far nothing works whether I use splice or index. Well, one could actually load, but it was also a file of 5 blocks or less. I will try to get my Chameleon 64 back.
You should be able to just make a .g64 from the SCP software and use it in VICE. That's how it is suppose to work.

Email me your .scp image file and I can tell you what the problem is. Send it to: data@cbmstuff.com
Btw, I found this link suggesting how to make a cleaner disk for 5.25" floppy disk drives

I will send some of the images I made in .G64 format.
>You should be able to just make a .g64 from the SCP software and use it in VICE. That's how it is suppose to work.

Hi all, and it does indeed work, but only for disks with the index pulse. I also wanted it to do any disk, such as my old development disks but I believe it needs a tool/converter to massage the data somewhat and I don't think that work is complete.

BTW, I also have a 1541-II and the top comes off very easily with a few screws exposing the head which can be carefully cleaned with IPA and cotton swabs. I ended up putting the top back on without the screws in, as it needed cleaning so regularly that I found I needed to lift the lid over and over. If you always switch it off and go carefully, cleaning the head is not hard this way - but if you're just not confident, get a cleaner disk.
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