C64 disk image FTP or search of .scp images
jupp datelne='1393863411' Wrote:
Quote:How about a way to compare two disk? A good vs bad?
Then some how use the good to repair the bad? Like copy just the bad or corrupt sector over to fix it???
whats that option worth really? if you have a good disk, just make a copy of the good disk =)

I think it's more a curiosity factor. Don't you want to know WHY the disk is not working or what's wrong?

HOW about some type of database that checks that they disk is at least in the correct format for the title. Like in the c64preservation.com Data base. You know like tracks 2-3 in non-formated, errors on trk 35, etc,etc

IDK, just think of crazy future ideas!

(03-03-2014, 07:23 AM)RJMcInty Wrote: I wasn't referring to any existing or near-term technology or product, but something that hasn't been imagined yet.

Put as straightforward as I can: please don't "repair" original disks. There's no reason to:

Thanks Robert.
Something I never thought of. I do buy and sell a ton of C64 items, so would you rather but an original disk in box with the manual in non-working condition then, vs, having the disk repaired. Hmm, do you think the item would still sell? WHat do OTHER people here think about this?
Or leave it non-working and include a backup with it?

Messages In This Thread
RE: C64 disk image FTP or search of .scp images - by Steverd - 03-03-2014, 10:06 AM

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