.SCP files usage in WinUAE
Just a quick question: is there any way to use a .SCP file dump of a protected disk with WinUAE ?
No, not currently. I have been trying to convince Tony or anyone else involved with WinUAE to add this support. The file format is public info and several people have already written tools and support for other emulators.

Having .scp support would open the door to being able to play all Amiga games exactly like the original. No cracks or WHD required.
Quote:several people have already written tools and support for other emulators.
just for curiosity - which ones are that?
There is support for SCP image format with HxC, Aufit, and FPGA Arcade. There is support being worked on for an Atari ST emulator, Apple II emulator, and a few others.
Quote:FPGA Arcade
which core is that and where can i download it?
You can't download it. The core is currently not available to the public, and of course you need the FPGA Arcade Replay board.
If there is an example Amiga SCP file or two I can easily add and test support in E-UAE (I'm on Linux not Windows).
I will make a .scp of some of my commercial Amiga programs and put a link to it in the developer area.

Let me know if you have any questions about the format. A lot of people will be thrilled that this is being added.
(03-10-2014, 07:12 AM)admin Wrote: I will make a .scp of some of my commercial Amiga programs and put a link to it in the developer area.

Let me know if you have any questions about the format. A lot of people will be thrilled that this is being added.

I will keep an eye out. Someone contributed .scp read support to my disk-analyse project on github so I can use disk images to validate that code and then pull it fairly wholesale into UAE, an easy job. I can then also sort out .scp write support and add that to my own disk-analyse project as well as allowing writable .scp images in UAE Smile
OK, so where are these projects? I sure would like to see them! Smile

Edit: ok, so I figured out who you are. Nice job with your projects.

If someone could implement the SCP support in the CAPS library, then all of the emulators would have the ability to use .scp image files.

Let me know if you need any specific help with something. The .scp image file format is pretty easy to work with, just as the real hardware is making simple function calls to read/write track data.

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