BBSes with cursor navigation menus not working
Thanks for all the assistance in this Jim. It doesn't matter if it's RAW or Telnet mode set, the issue still exists.

However, I do have some more information though... the issue seems to be with BBSes that run Mystic, as none of the cursor based menu navigation (lightbar menus, navigation) seem to be working if a sysop has it enabled. It's as if the ESC key is being pressed when the cursor keys are pressed. The author of the Mystic software is still developing for it so maybe they have an answer for what is going on.

Synchronet based BBSes do not seem to have this issue when they have lightbar menus or navigation.

The issue isn't just in DOS, I fired up Windows 3.11 and the same thing happens when connecting to Mystic based BBSes. So, I just wonder of it's an incompatibility with WiModem232 and Mystic.

Messages In This Thread
RE: BBSes with cursor navigation menus not working - by Chaniyth - 11-14-2022, 07:30 PM

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