Are there any non-standard/undocumented things to try (setting up BBS)
There are a LOT of people running BBS's using the WiModem and WiModem232 modem emulators.  You just need to use the proper init string, and proper cable.  The biggest mistake that I see is that people try to use a NULL modem cable instead of a modem cable!  A NULL modem cable is designed to interface two computers together, not a computer and a serial device.

You should have contacted me in the first 10 minutes that you had a problem, not 100 hours into it!  Smile

Your init string break down as:

H0 - hang up the modem (not needed as it should already be hung up)
S0=1 - answer incoming call on the first ring
X1 - extended connect message mode (this requires the BBS to know the exact connect message for setting the baud rate)
V0 - result code (numeric)
S7 = 9 - wait time for carrier after dialing (this would never be used with a BBS since it is not calling out)
S9 = 25 - carrier detect response time (amount of time to wait in 1/10th of a second - so 25*0.10 second before proceeding)
S10 = 14 - delay between lost carrier signal and hang up (does nothing with WiModem232)
M0 - speaker off (does nothing with WiModem232)
L - ???  You are missing the character after the L!  This is a volume level (not used with WiModem232) but this should generate an error.  I need to look at that.
&D2 - this changes how the hang up works, which is fully supported by the WiModem232 (but modem specific and not necessary).

There is nothing abnormal about your init string, but really it just needs to be ATS0=1 and that's it.  Everything else is not required.

The RI pin is fully controlled, so on an incoming call the RI pin should toggle high/low.

You don't actually state in this message what problem you are actually having!  I will read/respond to your message on EAB.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Are there any non-standard/undocumented things to try (setting up BBS) - by admin - 05-06-2021, 12:25 PM

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