Cannot copy Prince of Persia 5.25
I cannot get Prince of Persia 5.25 to copy properly. The 3.5 disk works fine.

1. I've validated the original disk scans OK in DOS with no errors
2. I've validated that the destination disk formats and scans with no errors in DOS
3. I've validated that the destination disk passes the Disk Media Test

I try to copy Disk 1 of PoP, a 360k disk. I image that back to a copy disk. When I try to run the game it should tell me that I need to "run setup", however it instead tells me that "files are missing and I need to run this from the original drive." Different error message.

I've created the image 3 times, same result.

I now tried to format the copy disk in DOS, copy the files from the original over to the formatted copy, and everything works as expected.

On the COPY disk, I imaged that to a file, erased the copy disk, and wrote the copy disk back to itself and tried to run that. Worked as expected.

For whatever reason, SCP will not write out a proper image of this disk.
SCP writes exactly what it sees and is able to duplicate 100% of anything that a drive will read. Is the original disk write protected? If so, are you write protecting the copy before you try to load it? Over 50% of the games for the C64 check the write protect notch to see if it is open and fail the protection - almost all disks ever commercially produced never have the write protect notch cut out, so it's a commonly missed copy protection tactic.

It is possible that the copy protection is beyond the last track you are copying (tracks 36-40 for a 35 track disk or tracks 80/81 for a 80 track disk). It is also possible that this program has protection that was deliberately not index referenced, and the write splice is ending up in the wrong location.

Send me the image (data<at> and I can look at the flux display to see if the data is all indexed.
Working through this we're unsure why it was failing, but it is work now. I did replace the drive and then put the original back in. It is possible the cables were loose in some fashion.

Thanks for the update.

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