Why no data in middle of all my Tandy (FAT12) 360K disks?
Cool, thanks! I think the mystery is solved then. After running a few more disks through with 48tpi configured I think it's pretty clear that's the right setting for this drive with the jumpers that get it working. [I still have some research on that on my list too but for SCP purposes my notes in the other thread here are ± the latest.]

Besides just the visually obvious "missing middle" issue that goes away at 48tpi, the directory listings also tend to get much "fuller". For example one disk I imaged had about 8 items in it on 96tpi, including an "empty" folder called GAMES; imaging it on 48tpi yields more items at the root level, plus another half dozen files within the GAMES folder.

Sorry for all these blunt questions [albeit not sorry enough to promise this was my last one — especially since I've only just dipped my toes in on the 3.5" side ;-]. I'm kind of stumbling my way through a lot of new knowledge of how these floppies actually worked. I'm sure I plugged a few in back in the day but hardly messed with jumpers much less what each different machine's FDC was doing.

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RE: Why no data in middle of all my Tandy (FAT12) 360K disks? - by natevw - 01-14-2020, 12:31 PM

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