Bug reports
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Beta .91

Non Blind Copy of a C64 disk with only 1 index hole. (Back side of the disk) Index pulse on reads = not required. Creates SCP file successfully.

Write back to disk - using index pulse required - write stops by track 19 every time and resets. No error message provided. Stops randomly between tracks 1 and 19 - resets to 0 as if the write is complete. Override not used. Track settings for read 1-40 C64.

Tried different source disks and blank media. Same results. (Writing back to front side of disk)
So, you create a disk image with blind mode turned off (tracks 1-40) and then your write it back to disk and it just quits randomly between 1 and 19? This only occurs when creating an image from the backside of a disk with INDEX SENSOR/IGNORE setting? Front side images/copies are fine?
(12-24-2013, 09:51 AM)admin Wrote: So, you create a disk image with blind mode turned off (tracks 1-40) and then your write it back to disk and it just quits randomly between 1 and 19? This only occurs when creating an image from the backside of a disk with INDEX SENSOR/IGNORE setting? Front side images/copies are fine?

Just confirmed - yes front side images using the same settings as the back side read / write - are working fine. Appears to only effect the back side image or write of that image. Sending you the SCP file.

Tried adjusting the track range to 38 for same test and got the same issue - so 40 being the end is irrelevant.
Found the problem... requires a firmware upgrade. So, v0.5 firmware has been released to correct the problem. I also released v.92 of the software, which has changed mentioned in the beta thread.
In .93 - G64 creation of DOTC side 2 is broken again. Copy works fine, but creating a G64 from disk fails to raid. Long tracks cut off?
I will check it out!
DOTC works fine both copied directly from a disk to .g64 or disk to .scp to .g64. The track lengths are correct for all tracks. I was able to raid the castle without any issues.
(12-31-2013, 03:54 PM)admin Wrote: DOTC works fine both copied directly from a disk to .g64 or disk to .scp to .g64. The track lengths are correct for all tracks. I was able to raid the castle without any issues.

Appears to be working now - can't explain it. Using .94
That's good! I hope it stays that way! Wink

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