Are there any non-standard/undocumented things to try (setting up BBS)
>> There should be nothing to be "angry" about.

Guess not, but when I bang my head against a wall for hours and days, I usually become a little (?) p'd off. Happens with everything, not just in this case.

>> Don't waste anymore of your time trying to get Paragon to work with the firmware you have currently - it won't work until you have the new update.

Well *this* is just what I wanted to hear. Because I believe I have tried everything (including at least 15 different versions of string, different modem settings, cables, 500/600/1200 Amigas, all the combinations possible from Paragon config) and nothing has helped so I really have started to think there must be something wrong which isn't in my hands.

So now I just wait and that is perfectly fine now that I know there is nothing else I can do. It would be fine even if I was told that it will never be fixed, just as long as I know that it's a case of square block and a round hole that just will not work no matter what *I* do and I can stop trying.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Are there any non-standard/undocumented things to try (setting up BBS) - by PDrill - 05-09-2021, 04:00 AM

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