Trouble using ProTerm on Apple IIe enhanced
Hi,  I just received my WiModem232, and am very excited to use it with my SSC on my Apple IIe enhanced.  But I haven’t been able to get it to work yet, as I’m having some trouble with using ProTerm. 

I’m using a FloppyEmu to load the disk images, but when I try to load v3.1, instead of getting any type of title screen, I get a strange looking (to me, at least) screen of characters with what appears to be a prompt of some sort.  I’ve gotten ProTerm 3.1 disk images from a couple different places to see if it was a problem with the disk images themselves, but a similar screen appears.  It’s not exactly the same, as some of the numbers and letters are different, but very similar for the most part.  

When I try to load ProTerm v2.2, I get a screen that says “ProTerm was not installed on this machine, press RETURN to verify your hardware configuration or press ESC to continue.”  At this point no matter what key I press nothing happens.  

I ran a system check and everything came back ok.  I have very little experience in this space so I figure it could be something simple I’m overlooking.  

Any help would be much appreciated!

Thank you very much!


Messages In This Thread
Trouble using ProTerm on Apple IIe enhanced - by jeremyw28 - 03-27-2021, 09:35 AM

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