Has there been any news on the WiModem-232 that plugs into standard serial port for Amiga, DOS, etc?
I have read threads in here that seemed like it was coming soon but that was 5 or 6 months ago. Just curious if there is an update as my Amiga want's some BBS goodness too. Thanks!
Pre-production samples will arrive tomorrow. Case has been designed and submitted for tooling.
The WiModem232 supports all of the RS-232 lines available (Rx/Tx/RTS/CTS/DTR/DSR/DCD/RI), so running a BBS will be possible. It includes an OLED display and multi-colored LED, just like the WiModem for the C64/128.
No firm release date, but I am hoping for next month.
After some failed actual production samples, I *think* I have working boards in production. The WiModem232 has been tested with a dozen different computers, and works great up to 115200 baud. I am going to try a PC with dedicated serial card capable of 230400 baud. The WiModem232 hardware can actually support up to 1Mbaud, so it should work.