Striketerm UP9600 freezes with WiModem
I finally got Novaterm 96 set with the correct serial driver, baud rate, and modem type (not critical I'm sure) without freezing up but I'm still having trouble getting online. I keep getting a "No answer" response on the WiModem. I have tried Inverted and Normal carrier detect settings. Striketerm2014 allows me to dial from the phonebook and go online but I had trouble with just using atdt xxx in terminal mode also. I am using the UP9600 driver.

I would prefer to use Novaterm96 if possible but I have yet to be able to make a connection to any site.

Alwyz' CCGMS2017v6 is nice for its small size and telnet-friendly dialer, but it is missing REU support for a download drive.

So far, these three programs seem to be the best fit for WiModem use but they all have issues.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Striketerm UP9600 freezes with WiModem - by jdryyz - 04-01-2018, 01:54 PM

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