07-12-2020, 10:07 PM
kinda of a strange situation everything was working fine then with no change made I suddenly found that I was getting nothing on screen.
ProTerm 3.1 > same thing happens with 300,2400 and 9600 baud drivers > wimodem updated firmware
it will work with no issue when I first go in then if I visit a bbs and log off I wont see the "no carrier" text then nothing else shows up I tried doing ATE1 no luck AT, ATI nothing but if I type in a bbs I see the light on the modem change to green but nothing on screen mind you not even scrolling. then if I log off the unseen bbs the light will change back to yellow so I know that is working. I can do a AT*REBOOT or ATZ ill instantly see "looking for router" or "ok" then it works fine until I log out of a bbs then it just repeats the issue.
I also did a AT&V before going into a bbs then when I log off and cant see anything I tried typing on the settings (one by one ie ATC0 <return> ATD0 etc) below is a list of the ones I set:
B0 C0 E1 L0 M0 N0 Q0 V1 X1 *C0 *D0 *R0 *T0 &C0 &D0 &G0 &K0 &Q0 &S1
nothing worked except *reboot or ATZ and again only till the next log of from bbs. I also tried starting fresh with proterm but had no change and it works if the settings reboot so seems like something is happening on disconnect any ideas?
ProTerm 3.1 > same thing happens with 300,2400 and 9600 baud drivers > wimodem updated firmware
it will work with no issue when I first go in then if I visit a bbs and log off I wont see the "no carrier" text then nothing else shows up I tried doing ATE1 no luck AT, ATI nothing but if I type in a bbs I see the light on the modem change to green but nothing on screen mind you not even scrolling. then if I log off the unseen bbs the light will change back to yellow so I know that is working. I can do a AT*REBOOT or ATZ ill instantly see "looking for router" or "ok" then it works fine until I log out of a bbs then it just repeats the issue.
I also did a AT&V before going into a bbs then when I log off and cant see anything I tried typing on the settings (one by one ie ATC0 <return> ATD0 etc) below is a list of the ones I set:
B0 C0 E1 L0 M0 N0 Q0 V1 X1 *C0 *D0 *R0 *T0 &C0 &D0 &G0 &K0 &Q0 &S1
nothing worked except *reboot or ATZ and again only till the next log of from bbs. I also tried starting fresh with proterm but had no change and it works if the settings reboot so seems like something is happening on disconnect any ideas?