This poll is to help determine what additional colors will be available.
Right now, the colors that will be available are:
Translucent black
Translucent blue
Translucent red
Breadbin brown
Opaque light blue
If you have suggestions that are not in the poll, please post them!
I voted "Opaque green" based on guess that it would be similiar as the green keycap "A" in the "Stretch Goals.." image.
Translucent Orange would look cool just for function keys!
I voted translucent purple but translucent orange would look cool
Opaque beige? Like on the 64c function keys, I assume. You don't mean the medium gray like on many of the breadbin function keys.
I’m in favor of black lettering if we choose opaque light blue.
(01-08-2020, 06:53 PM)yell0w_lantern Wrote: [ -> ]Opaque beige? Like on the 64c function keys, I assume. You don't mean the medium gray like on many of the breadbin function keys.
I mean the color of the C64 breadbin function keys.
(01-08-2020, 10:19 PM)Commodoreman Wrote: [ -> ]I’m in favor of black lettering if we choose opaque light blue.
Noted! After looking at how light of blue that is, I think black is the only thing that makes sense. I am not sure how popular this keycap will actually be though. If we end up with 20 people wanting it, I will have to consider some other color - so I am hoping for some feedback people!

How light would that light blue be ?
I like the white text on light blue in the Stretch Goals image, and I believe the sx64 blue is a little darker, although I might be wrong. Could we have some renderings to help choose ?
I find the idea of an Opaque Light blue (like used on SX-64) set appealing, since I have a Pixelwizard C64C case in SX-64 color style. However, what exactly does this color look like? Looking at various SX-64 images, most of the color I see is gray... ish, but this might be a result of yellowing.