First off - thank you for this great product! It's been fantastic so far.
One issue i'm encountering in setting up a BBS is that the unit does not respond to hang up commands sent via the BBS software. I'm using Telegard on Tandy 1000 SX (IBM compatible), and when a user logs out the standard hang up command is not working.
I have tried setting the hang up parameters to "ATH|", and "+++ATH|" (| represents a carriage return), and from the remote connection it continues to stay connected.
Once the remote connection disconnects themselves, everything is fine again.
Any ideas what might be causing this, or perhaps i'm doing something wrong? It's a minor issue, but if you have any ideas I would greatly appreciated it.

Your disconnection should be +++, followed by a pause, then you can issue the ATH command. This is the Hayes specific way to handle the hang up. I can look at this to see if +++ could be followed immediately by a ATH command.
(01-23-2018, 04:00 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Your disconnection should be +++, followed by a pause, then you can issue the ATH command. This is the Hayes specific way to handle the hang up. I can look at this to see if +++ could be followed immediately by a ATH command.
I managed to get it to work. For some reason the 'hang up' routine doesn't work, but after that, Telegard runs the 'init' commands, so I just added a +++~ATH| and that did the trick. Thank you for your reply.
The tilde (~) defines a 1 second pause. You could try that same command for the hang up string.
Thank you for your replies.
Been troubleshooting my BBS over the weekend, and things get a little bit strange when I try to do anything more than simple menu activities.
For older computers like this, I use a fossil driver that manages all communications to the COM port from Telegard. I managed to get one fossil driver to operate (BNU), but when I launch things like DOOR games, things tend to break down in communications.
For instance, I set up a LORD door game, and whenever I try to type in my name, as soon as I hit the carriage return (ENTER), it performs the carriage return and also adds a . (PERIOD), so it fails at the next prompt (which is a yes or no reply - . is not a valid reply).
I tried multiple fossil drivers, various settings with the LORD door game, but it seems that it is a bug somewhere that is causing the failure. I checked my terminal program by using another, and its the same behaviour. I have narrowed it down to either the WiModem232, or the LORD door software.
Ok I tried a number of other things, but there is still some sort of nagging "Carriage Return" problem that I cannot solve.
Is it possible that there is some issue not yet identified for incoming data to the WiModem232 related to the carriage return and how it is being passed to the serial port?
I have tried different ansi drivers, different fossil drivers, reconfiguring the applications, reconfiguring the BBS software, adjusting line width. I also tried a different telnet client, and it does the same thing. Everything points to a problem with how "Enter" is behaving when being translated. A period "." seems to be getting passed to the serial port on along with carriage return. It doesn't happen when I do carriage returns from the bbs host system while the client is connected.
I don't understand exactly what your problem is. Are you saying that something is being added to the data stream?
There is nothing added or removed by the WiModem in the data stream while their is a connection established.
(01-28-2018, 03:20 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]I don't understand exactly what your problem is. Are you saying that something is being added to the data stream?
There is nothing added or removed by the WiModem in the data stream while their is a connection established.
Ok i'll try to keep investigating this problem further. I'll try some different BBS software to see if it is different.
Thanks again!