Full Version: Making an actual telnet connection=garbled text
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I received my WiModem today, which is nice. 
I've set up the wifi and can sucessfully connect to bbses. But when I'm connecting to my local server(an arch-linux machine) through telnet I don't get a login prompt, but just a few garbled characters. Same situation when I connect to my Mac.
I tried changing the terminal type(ANSI, Commodore, VT102) which didn't change anything.
When I launch telnetd with an invalid option and try to connect, I get an error message on my c64 which doesn't get garbled.
Has anyone used a telnet connection and knows how to fix this?
[Image: img_5793.jpg]
I use ANSI and the U9600 driver with KpyM and it seems to work fine
(02-21-2017, 01:38 PM)Zeropage Wrote: [ -> ]I use ANSI and the U9600 driver with KpyM and it seems to work fine

What's "KpyM"? 
Its a Telnet/ssh server.

(02-21-2017, 01:45 PM)Zeropage Wrote: [ -> ]Its a Telnet/ssh server.


Yeah, found it. What shell tools do you use on Windows? 
I'll try it later, just to see if it works.
If there is any type of character conversion needed, then it won't work. The WiModem is a Hayes compatible modem emulator, not a Telnet interface.
(02-21-2017, 01:48 PM)captain_zzap Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-21-2017, 01:45 PM)Zeropage Wrote: [ -> ]Its a Telnet/ssh server.


Yeah, found it. What shell tools do you use on Windows? 
I'll try it later, just to see if it works.

Yeah, theres not a lot for win10.

I've been meaning to set up my raspi 2 and use that but haven't yet.
(02-21-2017, 01:57 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]If there is any type of character conversion needed, then it won't work.  The WiModem is a Hayes compatible modem emulator, not a Telnet interface.

There shouldn't be any character conversion. At least I can't find any reference to it or any way to configure it. As I've written, telnetd launched with a wrong option, gives me a clear readable error message on the c64.
Yes, this makes me believe that there must be a conversion required. I seem to recall that Telnet uses 0xFF as a special character for functions. I don't support Telnet functions with the WiModem. No functions are necessary for emulating a Hayes compatible user port modem.
Ok, I've found something.
From: http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecent...c2f420mart

"When a telnet session is started, the telnetd daemon sends TELNET options to the client (remote) host to indicate an ability to perform options.
Terminal Negotiation
The telnetd daemon requests the terminal type from the client host. On receipt, the telnetd daemon checks whether the indicated type is supported on the local system. If not, the daemon requests a terminal type again.
This terminal type negotiation continues until the remote client sends an acceptable terminal type or until the client sends the same type twice in a row, indicating that it has no other types available. When necessary, the telnetd daemon refers to the /etc/telnet.conf file to translate a client's terminal-type strings into terminfo file entries."

If I understand this correctly, I would need to answer this initial Negotiation from within my terminal Emulator (striketerm) and then it should work.
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